

New Member
Have a 125 gal reef tank ( 100lb LR 2 clown fish 1 yellow tang and one blue dotty) I'm doing mostly corals. What size power heads are needed for flow. Was thinking to put 1 on each side of tank. 6ft long 18"wide and 22" high. Any recomemdations :confused:


Active Member
you're gonna need more than 2 powerheads unless you use some monster sized ones like the tunze stream ones, I'd say about 6 or 7 maxijet 900's would do the trick, or you could use a spraybar off a return pump


I agree unless your doing SPS a lot of smaller powerheads work better than 2 bigger ones. If doing all SPS go with alot of bigger ones. I have 1200 gph out of a spray bar and 6 small powerheads (hagen 301s) on timers. I might try to sqeeze 2 or 4 more power head in there latter on.