Pphnpei maximas?


Active Member
does anyone know about these guys? ive only seen them on the market the past couple of months. what is a Pohnepi maxima? are they hardier than reg. maximas, or do they come form some special locale? any ideas? www.ffexpress.com has a ton of gorgeous ones for sale on the divers den section on the right hand side, but they are all sold out?


Active Member
also, can anyone educate me on the grading of clams? you see this at some online stores (1st grade maxima, etc) what does it all mean?
TIA, again


I really don't know much about clams--but I do know--you should get on ffexpress special mailing list. There is a list just for clams. I have been on the list for awhile now-- it is great. This is the only way to get clams before they are all bought up. I haven't received any mailings lately--meaning no new clams --must be a weather or time of year thing.

mr hanky

hey guys dont give up on ff express yet! they are building a new website. i was on the web real late the other night and went to ffexpress.com and the home page/services(divers den,inventory,etc.) was compleatley different. blue homepage? it wasnt done obviously or it would be up. they still have clams just not on the website because there working on the new one. good place too buy from good stock!!!!!! robby


Active Member
Not sure if you have heard about the rash of clam deaths in the past months, but it seems to have been traced back to these clams in particular. I would steer clear of them all together.
I don't believe this site sells clams so I will go ahead and post a few very good clam dealers to check into. These two are very reputable and only sell clams, so they know what they are doing!!!
What kind of setup do you have, I.E. depth of tank and lighting?


New Member
Will try to answer your question regarding pohnpei clams. As idicated they are called that as they are imported from Phonpei
Some people grade the clam in different ways.
Example with T. Maxima's you have Ultra, 1st grade and gold. Ultra be a rich color, green with black splotches other rich colors that are attacted by hobbyist. 1st grade is normally blue, purple and sometime black with lines or dotts. Golds are normally brown or gold.
Corcea's are normally graded by some as Electic or Supper Grade , again most appealing to the hobbyist.
Hope this helps.


Active Member
josh, this is very intereting because i bought a so called pohnpei clam from jeffs exotic fish for my 135 with 3 250 watt mh;s and 2 110 watt vho's and like a week later it died, and took all three of my other clams with it!! i was very distrubed as all my water params were perfect. I Couldnt figure out what happened. any idea why the rash of deaths?


Active Member
Unfortuanatly your story is not unique. This particular clam houses some type of bacteria that can kill any clams it infects, which is why the rest of you clams died as well. Check on other boards, there are many threads on this topic, sorry for your losses.
I wouldn't put anymore clams in the tank for a few months to make sure the bacteria has run it's life cycle out.


Active Member
wow, very interesting josh. it sucked when they all went, on eafter another after another. really sad, especially since two of them were like 3 years old. I am planning on waiting on clams for a little while longer. thats just so weird though. i thought it was Ca, but levels are at 450, maybe lights, but they have been happy for three years now. that explains a lot!