PRAY for my tank!

Woke up this morning to a loud splashing noise and my worst nightmare came true! My tank sprung a huge leak and half the water was sloshing under my feet! Got everthing back in the new tank asap, but since over half the water was gone I'm afraid the tank will recycle. The fish are p.o., but all but the coral seem to be doing fine except the xenia that are taking the worst hit. Anyways has this happened to anyone else before? Just curious?


Originally Posted by gratefulhippie
Woke up this morning to a loud splashing noise and my worst nightmare came true! My tank sprung a huge leak and half the water was sloshing under my feet! Got everthing back in the new tank asap, but since over half the water was gone I'm afraid the tank will recycle. The fish are p.o., but all but the coral seem to be doing fine except the xenia that are taking the worst hit. Anyways has this happened to anyone else before? Just curious?
Water should not make a difference... new water should help more than anything. The beneficial bacteria does not colonize in the water is all on hard, substrate, rock, filter...etc. You should be fine unless you had to disturb your substrate...this may potentially cause a problem.
Ya well thats another problem as I had to move it to the new tank. What a mess. Any ideas to clear the nasty coat on the substete or should I leave it alone? The pods are loving the new mix and they seem to be helping it a bit....I never knew there were so many pods in this tank!


what do you mean by "nasty coat"? on the actual sand? or do you mean sand on your rock or something? In any case more flow should help. If it is a fine silt get a polishing pad, stir the "nasty" up, and let it filter out. If it is sand on the rock just use a power head or turkey baster to blow it off.
I'ts just a fine dust on the sand. I just used a turkey baster and blew most of it off. Looks much better. Should i run carbon?


can't hurt to run carbon. You may want to pick something up like Seachem's Prime incase you do get a spike so that you can try and detoxify it. I would also keep a good amount of mixed water onhand in case you need to do a large water change.