

What does it mean to have a tank "Pre-Drilled" i'm kinda confused on this issue and what does it do for you?
Also would I have to have my tank pre-drilled inorder to have a SW tank, Is it a nessesity
Thx for respondes in advance


pre drilled means it comes drilled or reef ready the holes are for the return and drain water that lead to a sump under the tank. you dont have to have it drilled you can use an overflow box, i like the tank drilled i hate seeing that overflow box in the tanks


Is it that the glass or acrylic is drilled and has a whole in it or how does that work. Does it cost alot to get your tank drilled??
How would I know if my tank is already drilled or not??


Active Member

Originally posted by Unknown
Is it that the glass or acrylic is drilled and has a whole in it or how does that work.

Yes the holes are drilled into the sides of the tank for the return lines and generally the bottom for an overflow...then a screw in "bulkhead" is mounted in the hole to seal the water in and allow mounting of lines...
Does it cost alot to get your tank drilled??

It adds to the price of a new tank, but then you are generally set up with bulkheads and overflow kits...Your LFS "might" drill your tank for you (ask on price in your area)...I'm getting a "used" tank drilled at the "glass company" near me for $8.00 a hole...
How would I know if my tank is already drilled or not??

It would have HOLES in it... :rolleyes: ...


How many holes would I need in the tank and could I do it my self with like a glass cutter or something of that sort??
Is $8 buck a piece a good deal or what??


Active Member
I think $8.00 a hole is a good deal...the diamond bits are $30-40.00 a pop (special ordered) and I only need two or three holes...
Of course they are drilling it at MY risk (no guarantees) Same a DIY
How many holes, what size, and where they are located all depends on "the Big Picture"...
What's your plan for the tank, pump size, line size to match, SCWD or multi return jets,Total gph planed on moving,extra closed loop or just overflow and return...Make a plan, Draw it out,toss it on the board for fine tuning...:thinking:
You could "drill" your own hole with proper equipment, or "grind" it out with a Dremel Tool and diamond bit...Do a SEARCH for details.