Pre Filters


Active Member
I posted this in the Reef section too not sure where it will be more benificial...
I was asked to post some pics of the prefilters I have on my Korilia power head. Instead of posting in that thread I thought I would just make a new one and show some of the possible things you can use for prefilters.
The first one is my MJ 30. The material is from a tank divider, IMO Its better than a sponge filter type, because it doesnt get build up on it as fast. I cut it to the size I needed wrapped it around the intake and used rubber bands to hold it into place.

This one is the Korilia Power Head, I uses a womans nylon wrapped it around the PH and again secured it with a rubber band. I placed the rubber band behind the plastic divider strip on the power head so it cannot slip forward. The only down side is that this pre filter has to be cleaned more often.

If there is any question to people who are new anemone care takers this should answer it. Is a prefilter really a necessity? YES and here is the proof, without this little piece there my anem would be grated cheese. Again I used the tank divider material because I like its perforated design better than a sponge type filter.

I hope this helps anyone interested in making their tank a safe habitat for their anemone's


I learned the hard way !! $40.00 pink tip, caught in filter pick up
didnt catch it in time he died and and when he did it spiked the tank and lost 4 real spendy fish !