Pred set up.


New Member
I'm going to be setting up a 75gallon pred tank and this will be my first saltwater tank. Can anyone give me an idea for the basic set up as well as suggestions on which fish are cool to have?
I would probly just stick with the triggers, clowns and maybe a SFE,(snow flake eel) You need to stay away from all the sharks because of their size. I have a friend who has a 75 tall with about 3 triggers, pork puffer, grouper, and I think a hawk fish, and one SFE. The triggers seem to be doing ok but they are very territorial. Let me know how your luck goes, What ever you do make sure after you cycle everything then make sure everyone goes in at once. Good Luck, Joe


Research your triggers to find the best fit. I'd go Snowflake eel, maybe a tuskfish. Dwarf lions are nice... puffers also.