predatory emerald crab???


I just acclimated a new emerald, hes fairly large, about 2 inches in diameter. Im noticing as my fish swim near, he extends his claws as if hes attempting to grab them. Has anyone experienced an emerald injuring or killing fish??? I know they are fairly reef safe, but are they fish safe???


Active Member
I think he is just warning off the fish. He will do this when he feels threatened.
Most emeralds are fish safe. Unless a fish is sick or dying the emerald does not have a chance anyways. ;)
Good luck.


Active Member
I had one, he ate my mandarin...I saw him snatch him and tear him open.
There was a huge one at my LFS...about 2.5 inches diameter....there was a small yellow tang in the tank with him..around 3 inches dead serious minute i looked in the tank everything was fine...i walked to the coral tank for a minute...two tops...walked back...the emerald had the tangs eye's ripped out and was having a meal of his dead body.
I stay away from them.


Active Member
That is interesting. I have never heard of a emerald harming fish?
They feed on algae and dying debre?(cannot spell).
I will keep a eye on this thread for sure, ;)


I agree with the above post....emerald's only scavenge "debris." I would steer clear of sally lightfoots though....they are definately predatory.


Sally Lightfoots are definately predatory (as oppossed to just scavangers)???
I've had a S.L, and 3 emerals (one is now about 2.5" dia), and a cleaner shrimp - and they all seem to maintain their distance from each other.
Only lately am iworry'n about the large EMERALD - as being predatory. Granted, i think he's too slow to catch any of the few fish i have - altho he's getting smarter (lurking around the percula's sleeping areas at night).
I'm MORE concerned with him "picking" at some of my corals now - not sure if he's doing any damage or not - whether he's just irritating them - or causing any stress on the corals or not.
The sally is one of the funnest ones to watch in the tank. He'll actually eat out of my hand - and when something gets too close - he pushes them away with his foot - or darts off in another direction. Would not have thought of the S.L. as 'predatory' - at least not from any observed behavior i've seen so far.