pregnancy and fish tanks



I'm just wondering if anyone knows if fish water can be harmful to pregnancies. I don't know if my wife can feed the fish or not. To do so, she would have to have her hands in the water. Anyone know the answer? :notsure:
Also, I assume that fish food is not good for her to touch because it is raw. Can anyone confirm this? :thinking:

darth tang

Active Member
I see pregnant women in the Ocean. I would assume your tank would be safe.
Never heard of the raw food thing. I wouldn't worry about it.


Active Member
i dont think that would do anything like darthtang said i see people in the water and i see pregnent people in my lfs feedig anenomes.


Active Member
no worries.....
I think the problem w/pregnancies is that women should not have a huge intake of shell fish.
But the maintance isn't a problem.


Originally Posted by Squidd
Having a saltwater tank wil NOT prevent pregnancy...
Please use protection...


Probably right that the water won't bother her. I'm not sure she should touch the food any more than necessary... wash her hands after.


New Member
I dont think there would be any problems with the fishtank I do know that they are not supposed to clean the catbox but thats the only thing I've heard about as far as pet care.


Active Member
The best advice you will get is to ask your doctor. They will know the risks. During my pregnancies, I was advised not to do maintenance on the fish tanks as there is a bacteria that can build up in them and can cause birth defects. Remember, some things that we have in our tanks are in much more dense population because of lack of water volume to dilute them, like in the ocean. I would definitely check with the doctor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
use aqua gloves if your that concerned.....
See.... That's what "I" said...
Please use protection...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
use aqua gloves if your that will rule out any problems/concerns you have.

but... but... they dont make them in my size.
i need the magnums