Pregnant Cleaner Shrimp??

good alex

Im pretty sure that i see blueish eggs (dont know whats its called but its the part where she propellers herself) there, but shes the only shrimp in my tank. Has anyone ever raised baby shrimp? Do I have a chance?
This is where the eggs are



Active Member
Ive Had it happen with my peppermint shrimp. I believe you will need a male for fertilization otherwise the eggs wont hatch.


Active Member
nick, on the peppermint are they whitish where the blue ones are here? i've got two peppermints and one looks white in exactly the same spot. i have 2 peppermints... going to bet my fish are going to eat well soon...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
nick, on the peppermint are they whitish where the blue ones are here? i've got two peppermints and one looks white in exactly the same spot. i have 2 peppermints... going to bet my fish are going to eat well soon...
2 out of the 3 of my peeps had eggs that hatched, however from outside their body they eggs actually looked a green color. Idk maybe they change color when fertilized? :notsure:


shrimp are hemaphroditic so you just need 2 in the tank for them to spawn. the eggs will become duller and more a brownish color when they are ready to hatch (usually about 2 weeks after they are fertalized).
the shrimp will carry the eggs on their underside until they are ready to hatch. it is extremely difficult to impossible to raise the fry. ive had my 2 cleaners spawn at least 10 times now and the longest i could get was about a week and a half with the hatchlings.
if you have any specific questions as to what you need i can try and help you out with that but as ive said past the 2 weeks mark ive never made it so after that i cant really help you.

good alex

where did your shrimps lay the eggs, was it in a rock or just out in the open
did any of the baby shrimp make it through withought being eaten?


Active Member
They will not survive unless u create a special tank with special filterization and im sure you probably need to feed them fry phytoplankton as well.


Originally Posted by Good Alex
where did your shrimps lay the eggs, was it in a rock or just out in the open
did any of the baby shrimp make it through withought being eaten?
they carry the eggs until they are ready to hatch.
THey will release the fry into the current and the fry will head towatrd the nearest light source.
to raise them you have to collect them before the filter/ other fish get them. Youll need another tank. Little/ no filtration with an air rod/ air stone to cicculate the water. feed rotifers for the 1st 2 weeks. Do a water change every day atleast once to keep the levels in check. ive never gotten past that part without them dying. if you have any specific set up questions let me know

good alex

The pics i had before i didnet see the eggs but they have spawned again and the eggs are sora sliverish and its almost like you can see the fry in the egg like a little black dot ill post pics later. i would like to try and see if i can rase them. in the 150g (which is where the shrimp are) there arent any fish(there in hypo) so all there is is the cleaner shrimp and the cleanup crew. the only other tank that i have is a little 2.5g that is in an octagon shape. do you think that i could raise them from there?

good alex


shes being verry agressive towards the other shrimp and already riped a leg off of another CS
She looks very heavy as if the eggs are weighing her down

thought it was a octagon but it was hexagon still good?