pregnant clownfish symptoms???


New Member
i have a mated pair of clownfish, they were both healthy and always swam together until recently one clown started hiding out in a cave. Now i notice that same clown is sort of just lying on a rock sideways, but still looks healthy. Can it be pregnant? and if so, what should/can be done.


Active Member
lying on a rock sideways is not a good sign, but a sign of a stressed fish.
a clown will lay eggs, they do not get pregnant. i've seen that they have an almond colored tint to the body right before the anus when they have eggs.


My clownfish have mated 4 times and i noticed that right before she would lay the eggs her stomach would be bigger that usually. My female clownfish died recently and the male i think has become a female. If she does lay eggs it will take roughly 10 days for them to hatch,depending on the temperature. All of the babies will probably die unless you are there right when they hatch and move them to a quarinteen tank, and have the proper food for them.
good luck


New Member
Originally Posted by cprdnick
Is she vomiting? Tempermental? Change in appetite? Swollen ankles?



A good sign that she is preparing for the babies is if she is scooping sand in her mouth, carring it away and spitting it out. making a indetion in the sand. she will lay the eggs on a nearby rock.