pregnant seahorse



there is one at my lfs, should I pick him up?
I have a 12 gallon QT tank running would it be possible to raise the fry?
what would I need?
thankx, ready to be flamed


Active Member
You need lots of small things the little dudes will be able to wrap their tails will need brine shrimp nepulai to feed them...or something else which is really really small.
Get some brine shrimp/artemia cists...a 2 liter plastic soda bottle (rinsed really well), an are pump with stone...fill the bottle about 1/2 with saltwater, put the airstone in the bottom...put in some cists and wait between 24-36 hours.
Once they start will need to quickly either change some water out, or start harvesting them...a brine shrimp net (extremely fine mesh) is a much needed tool. Once they start hatching the amonia level in the container will go off the charts, and they will die quickly without new water.
For the would recommend about 1/2 of your 12 full, a very small sponge type of filter no small air bubbles if possible.
To feed, you need to saturate the water with the nepulai...leave them in for about 20 minutes....take as many back out as possible, they die quickly.
Good luck.
here is a PIC of my fry tank set up... it is the only way to protect the fry! Also if you can submerge the inner bowl, even better, as the fry will snick air and die.. :( This way is far beter than the bubble sponge filter as they dont get blown around the tank....
Good luck...
here is a picture of a fry mustange I raised .....
It is tough feeding them so get like 4 or 5 hatcheries going...
Thanking you kindly, Kim


The little seahorses look great. Can you tell me how hard is it to have seahorses. I've always heard that they are very difficult and they need to be fed every few hours.
Good luck with your fry and keep us posted.


if you dont research them it is very hard because of there requirments but if you are prepared for them they are fairly easy but have there own set of challanges.
the Wild Caught and Captive Breed debate still rages on but I wouls say to spend the extra cash for CB they are (most of the time) already eating prepared foods and are easier to take care of. and fairly disease free. but with WC they could have natural diseases and infections.


KimKissyFish how cute your clownfish is :D
Seahorses are really nice creatures but u must look after them carefully, they dont need EXCELLENT water, they JUST need EXCELLENT foods, before u buy, be sure that u can find pods, mysis or ghost shrimp around everyday and ask the seller if he eats frozen mysis, and one more buy a wife to him
Good Luck