Pregnant Shrimp???


Ok, so today we noticed that one of our 2 Peppermint shrimp has stuff underneath it's belly. We were wondering if they were eggs, and it was pregnant. Can anyone tell us?


peps are hermaphrodites so they'll release their larvae, molt and get prego again. great treat for ur fish.


Yeah, If you have a pair or more, chances are they pregnant all the time. You could try isolating them and seeing if you can successfully raise the babies, though I hear survival rate isn't so great. Otherwise, it's fish treat every few weeks.


You are correct, prego. Too bad you cant keep the babies though. Ive never tried, but heard its impossible to keep the babies alive. I witnessed mine give birth once, at dusk, 1/2 lights out, I noticed the one I thought was a male,(smaller) dancing, while the female was hanging out around the surface of the tank....near the over flow box. All fish were in their hiding spots for the night, tank looked empty...........a few hundred baby pep shrimp later and you would have thought I just fed the tank. I was happy and sad at the same time. One thing I noticed about peps @ least in my tank, they dont live too long. Like a year max. Just my .02. Good luck


Active Member
Baby shrimp are so tiny that I think they would be almost plankton really. I mean I think you can see them, but any current in the tanks would pretty much just toss them around, unless maybe one works its way into a dead spot.