Preparing for fish?

new jack

New Member
My tank has been used for fresh water fish and i even had a turtle in it. I scrubbed it down with a brand new dish brush and rinsed it out really well. Is there anything else I should do. Also how do I clean my Bio-wheel filter so that no bacteria come from the freshwater tank. I've already got new cartridges and wheels. Last question, I was advised to put bio-balls or tile spacers in the back compartment of my bio-wheel(Plenty of space) so that it helps my bio filtration. It seems to me this will only grow anaerobic bacteria. Should I put anything back there, and if so what?


Active Member
It will actually grow aerobic bacteria on it. Aerobic grows where oxygen is present and Anaerboic grows without oxygen. In the filter box there is plenty of 02, You need both types.
Aerobic is for the breaking down of ammonia and nitrites and anaerobic converts nitrates to free nitrogen.
The best way to get your anaerobic bacteria up is through the use of a DSB or Lots of Live rock.
As far as cleaning the filter itself. You can always use bleach. That will kill anything living on it. Just be sure to rinse it VERY well.