Preparing garlic food?


New Member
I've seen some people post about feeding their fish garlic soaked food to help their immune system/ick/etc. Can anyone post the procedure and product you use when preparing the garlic soaked food? Like is there some liquid form of garlic that you buy? Do you grind up pure cloves? etc?


Staff member
The product used is fresh minced garlic gloves that you can get from the produce section of the food store. Slice off a piece, mince it in a non porous container so that the juices are preserved, place meaty fresh foods or frozen foods in with the garlic, let it set covered in the fridge for 30 mins, then feed to fish, preferably target feed using a syringe or turkey baster.


Active Member
Wow I did not know that. Thanks Beth. Let me ask you this though. I make my own food and freeze it so would this still be beneficial? I mean if the garlic only produces this when it is minced will it still be ok if I mix it in homemade food when I make a batch and freeze it?


Staff member
Yes, but not potent for medicinal reasons. In other words, you need to feed fresh garlic if you are dealing with a problem that you are trying to address.


i just posted a thread asking about this before saw this post and you answered my question to thanks so much


New Member
Thanks for the response. I did try mincing up fresh cloves. Not a lot of juice really comes out of each one, but I think I got it soaked pretty good. A couple of fish even ate the little pieces of garlic floating around. Thanks again!


And, the fish we have really love it. Seems like they can smell the garlic 2 rooms away. We mix it with fd brine shrimp and then freeze it, then spot feed with a syringe. Even the shrimp come out for dinner. LOL


Staff member
You have to mince and smash....I probaby need to add that to the info thread.