President Obama "uncomfortable" with victory?!


Active Member
The Emperor was there to sign, huh? Yeah, that's a gaffe, but I think his point is more right wing than left wing. I think he is saying that this is a war that we aren't going to fight to a finish, but rather have to continue fighting. That's more of a GW point of view than a John The Traitor Murtha POV. I know we aren't supposed to speak ill of the deceased, but treason is treason and he gave aid, comfort and a boost of confidence to the terrorists when he took the enemies side over our Marines. He ranks down there with Benedict Arnold in my book.


Active Member
I think he was thinking of his political butt when he said it, as in trying to save it. Of course there is a victory to be had there. It's driving the Taliban from power and knocking them down to the point the Afghan people will be able to defeat them.