price tags are far to high for a kid to afford


i ahve found the most spectacular tank ever and im might buy it as soon as i get the money but the price tag on this complete 50 gallon setup is around 700 bucks with stand or hood so at my current rate which i accumulate cahs its goona be about 20 years before i cna buy it. its made by tenecor and it looks to be an awesoem aquarium


you ever tried walmart. 180.00 for a 55g set up. hood, filter,etc. not the best hood, but get that and addon when you can. my friends and i did in the begining.


Active Member
Yeah those scratches look real nice! :D I can't think of a thing that would make me want acrylic.


also i distrust walmart deeply for various reasons and i have shopped and bought my ten gallon tank at kmart and it was liek 20 bucks for the whole set up and its bene running for about 4 years but when i buy my first really goiod amrine tnak i want it too be quality


i have a walmart 40gal thats been running well for about 3 years now. Nothing wrong with them. Why would you want acrylic when you are short on $$$? :confused: :notsure:


Active Member
Watch the classifieds and the local paper. People often unlaod tanks at an outrageously low price. I would go tanks scratch too, but at least you can buff them out of acrylic. I don't think they are more likely to fail or anything. You have to take certain precautions, but I would definitely consider an acrylic tank. :yes:


i ahve doen jsut that and made many calls to people but offers are slim in my area also i want acrylic becuase of it beign lighter and all the years i ahve had my 10 gallon i ahve never scratched it


another thing about the used tanks is that alot of people in ym area for some reason sell thier fish as a part of the tank and all thier other filters and crap and im not intrsted in a really good deal if i have to keep a bunhc of freshwater equiptment and have to find a place for thier fish


Active Member
You are not kidding, my tank set up just took away our plans of a summer vaction. I think the problem you may run into is that typically in this hobby the tank is the least expensive component. You can have a $40.00 tank or a $150.00 dollar tank but the filter,skimmer, lights, live rock etc. are going to cost the same either way. So if this helps in the whole scheme of things the tanks just hold all the expensive equipment and livestock that can be moved to an upgraded tank down the line.


Active Member
You have to start somewhere check the locals or just get your feet wet with a glass tank before moving to acrylic.... You can find used tanks pretty cheap and for the stand and canopy you and dad make it a DIY project


Active Member
The biggest reason for going acrylic is there are no seems to fail but they scratch really really easy. On glass the seems can fail and you have to repair or replace but they dont scratch that easy.


and i dotn need my dad to help me build a tank im actually pretty good with about any tool u cna hand me except the welder im not that good


im sensing a little hostility on this thread, between this and the political thread i think we all just need to talk acouple breaths and give eacthother a hug


Active Member
easy88, everyone was trying to help. No need to be hostile with anyone and cop an attitude. acrylic51 was suggesting to do it with your dad as a good little way to spend time with your father and make your tank an experience that more than just you enjoy. I know my father takes huge interest in my aqurium and is always asking me different questions when he comes to look at the tank.


Active Member
I know the feeling Lion except my dad is usually wanting to buy stuff that wont work or worrieing "oh I saw this or that what is it lol". Its fun.
And the this hobby isnt for kids part isnt true im 17 and "I" bought everything myself. Except for some stuff here and there "the expensive stuff I bought though". Just about everything comes from my pocket. Not being rude just saying.


Active Member
Hey Snipe you appreciate it more when it comes out of your own pocket and you see first hand you'll go the extra mile..... :joy:


Active Member
It dose come out of my own pocket the only thing my parents have bought is 4 damsles that I currently have and a few lbs of sand.