prices of corals...

I was just wondering about what you guys pay for certain corals b/c it seems like my LFS prices are jacked. Tell me if these prices are normal or if they seem way off. As for fish and inverts they have always been a little bit high. Fiji LR is 5.99 a lb...
Toadstool Leather(varying size from huge to small) - 60$
Open Brain-60$
Cup Coral-55$
Colt Coral-30$, on a 4lb piece of LR and they want 70 for it now since it wont come off the Rock
Xenia Rock, about the size of a golf ball-40$
Xenia Rock, Not quite 2x a golf ball size-60$
Ricordea Shrooms-60$
Bulls Eye Shrooms-45$
Green Shrooms-40$
What do you think of these prices?


Active Member
i heard xenia is not a good one to ship so ide buy it locally, if my lfs would ever get some more in ide be all over it.


Active Member
That xenia is way jacked up. That stuff spreads so fast--i bet you could get some for free if you have any local people.


Good price on LR. A bit high on most of the rest. $30-$40 will get you just about anything around here. Of course there's not much available around here either.


Active Member
I usually pay on average $25-39 for softies & $35-49 on stony at my LFS, On average of course. Sometimes larger or more brightly colored specimens will cost more.


seems pretty in-line with what one of our retail stores has... But fortunately we have another one that has reasonable prices. Mostly though I stay away from the LFS and trade with friends as much as possible.


I take my Xenia frags in for credit.I will usually drop off three or four small muti stalk frags and get to pick out 60-80 worth of stuff(the lfs prices,not to mention).It's good for me because my Xenia grows like a weed.For some reason(the shipping thing?)everyone wants the stuff!So,I will get to stock my new tank without a problem on my budget.The prices you mentioned sound ok compared to what I see around here.And,when someone says it's cheaper online,make sure you factor in the shipping price.It's alot to get stuff overnight....especially with cold temps this time a year!