Prism Skimmer


New Member
does anyone have any experience with the red sea prism line? if so do you like it or would u suggest something else? Thanks ;)'
oh yeah... it is for a 75 gallon mixed tank. no stock yet 100# LS 25 LR so far...
I just bought a prizm about a month ago and i have been using it. I think that it works great plus it is the only 1 that i have owned. it gets all kinds of junk out if the water so i can say that it works. i had to play with it to get it set right but after i found where i needed it i havent had a problem with it. oh yea it is on a 55gal. so i hope that this can help you. but you will find that a lot of people here do not like them. and it all depends on how much you want to spend on the skimmer. but for the money it works great to me. I think that i only payed about $80 for it.let me know what you go with.


I've had a Prism on my 45 for about a year now and agree with Mike that it's easy to operate, removes alot of nasty stuff from the tank, and wasn't very expensive.
If you don't have anything in your tank other than sand and rock, you really don't need to run the skimmer yet, though.


Active Member
I run Prisms on two of my tanks. They do a good job and for a hang on I think they're the way to go. As everyone said, the initial setup takes some tinkering.
Good Luck!


I run a prizm on a small 29 gallon FOWLR tank, and it does an excellent job. It would work fine for a 75 gallon reef, but I don't think it would keep up with a 75 FOWLR or a mixed reef. You may be better off going with a Berlin or something like that.


I have a prizm and I hate it. I spend a lot of time toying with it and emptying out water from the collection cup. It also can sound like a freight train rumbling behind my tank. I guess to each his own, but I plan on getting rid of mine and buying something less troublesome.


Active Member
I cant say I hate mine. This is the only one I have had experience with (the last 9 months). It does get gunk out of the water, I see that in the collection cup, but I'm not fully sure its doing a excellent job. Also, to this date I still cant open it up to more than a 1/4 open, if that and that is pushing it, bubbles go everywhere if higher and I've tried to break it in, but...... Also, for some reason, it leaks down the back of my tank, now that is making me very mad. But mine isnt loud (thats a plus). Thats my experience and I'm sticking to it. LOL ;)


Hey Clarkii---I had the same problem at first and it was because it came with a defective o-ring. I sent them an email about it and they sent me a new o-ring and it no longer leaks.


I dunno, mine runs 1/2 to 3/4 open and pulls very dark skimmate. The most important thing I've found with mine is to keep the water/foam interface at the o-ring, like they say in the manual and keep the foam throat clean. I empty the cup and clean the foam throat every other day, more often wouldn't hurt either. It has even taken the yellow out of the water, if I look through the tank lengthwise, there is no yellow tinge to it. Mine is very quiet as well. EkClark, check the impeller and make sure you don't have the old 12 blade, they come with an 18 blade now that is much quieter, I've heard that if you call them and complain they will send you the new impeller for nothing


Active Member
Prizms are junk- and if you say they arent- its b/c i assume you havent seen any other skimmers in action- is it just one step above the Skilter- There other HOB skimmers that are better- and it gets noisy over time- you have to keep it almos off just to keep it from overflowing- then at that point it dosent turn enought water to skimm the whole tank effectivly. Seaclone- CPR- Remora Berlin are all much better- Berlin Hang On is good- as well as the Turboflotor hang on - but those can handle beyond what you need- but it couldnt hurt if you can spend the money


Not sure what your experience is with the Prizm, I've found it to be very effective, and BTW I have seen the outputs from much more expensive skimmers on about the same size tank, they don't put out any more or any better skimmate. If you want to get into the 300+ range, yes, there are better skimmers, but then you'll be overskimming on a small tank. There is only so much export that you can expect for a given volume of water and load. I noticed you mentioned SeaClones, which I've heard are absolute crap, depends on the system I guess, everything with a grain of salt. I would not recommend the Prizm for this application though, it is better suited for 55 and under in a FOWLR setup.


Active Member
true seaclones are not very good but with simple modifacation thay can be made more productive. We have a prizm on a tank at work and it is just about worthless( within the last month 2 people returned them)- sure it skims but not well- but there other hang ons that are much better that arent really that much more- why try to get a cheap piece of equipment that dosent work well- skimmer are not cheap- and if the are it is b/c their proformance is weak. plain and simple- i could use one of the larger size Lee's In tank skimmers and get about the same effect.


J21, have you seen any of the prizm pro's (the prizm's big brother) in operation? I haven't, I was just curious how well they do, haven't heard much about them. I think that it is possible that the one you have going at work, as well as the ones people returned might be the old model with a 12 blade turbojet. I have an 18 blade on mine, and it works quite well (quiet too). With any product, they make progress as the product matures. The early seaclones were not very good, but I've heard that the newer ones aren't too bad, just depends on who you ask. Personally I'd rather have a bullet, maybe in a few months.


That is the address/number for the Red Sea Company, they will be able to get you whatever you need. As long as you are nice in you email or on the phone, you probably won't have to pay anything. Good luck.


New Member
I too have a prizm skimmer and personally I do not like it. Its loud and it leaks. I just ended up turning the dumb thing off as per the suggerstion of the not so intelligent petstore employee. I now realize the mistake I have made and have taken corrective measures to compinsate. I do have one question though. I have crushed coral as my substrate now. about 2-3 inches thick. It has been suggested to me to place a layer of sand on top of my crushed coral. If I do this how should I and how much should be sand and how much should be live sand? Someone suggested to me that I should take a smaller tank and set it up bellow my larger 55 gal tank and have a siphon type system to have my lg tank water be moving back and forh between the two tanks. Any suggestions? Thanks


Active Member
Prizms are decent for smaller tanks, IMO
better than seaclones by any count, again, IMO
for a 75, go with an Aqua C(remora pro, with the pump upgrade)
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