prism skimmers


I am looking to upgrade my skimmer in my 16 gal reef tank. Right now I have a junky Lee's in tank skimmer that really does not do that great of a job. I read some reviews that say that prizm skimmers are good for small tanks but it is a very inexpensive skimmer and for that reason I'm skeptical. Has anyone out there used one of these and if so, what did you think of it? Thanks!!


This is all heresay, but on another forum they recomended it to me.
I also heard the only really cheap (like 30 dollar cheap) protein skimmer that does anything is the Taam Nano. But I think the prism is more like 60-70 dollars right?


Yeah, at the store that I saw it at it was $80. But I like the fact that it has a filter media basket for added filtration and is a hang on. I don't want to do another in tank skimmer. I just want to make sure that it does a good job removing protiens otherwise I'll spend a little more and buy a coralife skimmer which is what I have on my 55 gal and I love it!!


Active Member
The prizms aren't that great I had one for a very short while, even my LFS didn't care for it they had three of them sitting in the back room because they were tired of messing with them and pulled them off of there DT. I could never get mine to skim consistantly it would work fine for a week or two and then nothing so I would adjust it and it would work again for a couple of weeks and it was a cycle like that for about 3 months and then I bought a new skimmer.
Take a look at the AqauC remora, they have been catching some flack on here lateley but I just finished helping setup a tank for another local reefer and installed an urchin which is just an in sump version of the remora. It seems to be working good and was only slightly noisy for the first week it was installed. Another local guy has one also and is extremely happy with it.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
The prizms aren't that great I had one for a very short while, even my LFS didn't care for it they had three of them sitting in the back room because they were tired of messing with them and pulled them off of there DT. I could never get mine to skim consistantly it would work fine for a week or two and then nothing so I would adjust it and it would work again for a couple of weeks and it was a cycle like that for about 3 months and then I bought a new skimmer.
I'm using a prism on my 65g lightly stocked right now but I have a problem with the consistence and it's very sensitive to the slightest adjustment. I turn it so little it's hard to even tell and it doesn't look like anything is happening but a few hours later it overflows.. I dump that out and hook it back up and then nothing for days until I readjust. I'm not sure if I would recommend it to anyone right now.


I had one on my old tank - it seems like it would work well, but it is really sensitive to fluctuations in water level. At least that's my theory as to why it would overflow one day and then skim nothing the next day. I have a coralife on my 40 right now. Probably the second best investment I made with my setup (right behind an RO/DI unit)


I originally bought one for my 75g. Big mistake. It's not made for that kind of volume. I replaced it with an ASM G3 and moved the Prizm down to my 10g like a charm down there with no adjustments.