prized fish?


Active Member
Just wondering what's everyones prized and/or most favorite fish in their tank? Im starting my first SW tank over the weekend and there's sooo many fish to choose that look amazing. I dont know how im going to pick out fish when the time comes :)!


its hard to say which one is the fav. they all have their own looks and personalities and its hard to choose. it would be best when you decide which one you really want to go with and work around that mainly because of compatability. also a good tip to remember is stock most docile first and aggressive last. heres my first pair and probably my fav
<a href="" target="_blank">firefish</a>


my purple tang is probably my favorite.. then my pair of mandarins.. i like to watch them dance.enjoy you're new tank and definately go with your more docile or smaller fish first... especially try to hold off on throwing tangs in there right away.. they get way too territorial in a tank by themselves..good luck

nm reef

Active Member
Dang....the question made me get up and peer into each of my 3 tanks trying to decide which fish I like the best!!!
My coral beauty is high on my list...but then so is both my huma huma trigger and my dwarf lion. Then there is my yellow tang that lives with a mated pair of perculas. Heck....I pick all of 'em.Even my formosa wrasse / domino damsel/tomato clown/pygmy angel....but I don't care much for my lil blue devil deamon of a damsel!!!
But my absolute favorite....well thats fat and happy manderian dragonette!!! :D


Guess I'd have to say that my gobie is my favorite, since he's the only fish I currently have (damsels and psuedochromis went to the lfs after changing to a bigger and better tank).


I know how you feel. I don''t know if I've ever seen an unattractive sw fish.
I've been where you are. I fell "in love" with a hippo tang. Also a flame angel. I put them in my 45 along with some other fish I loved and my love killed them all in my great ick outbreak.
Please learn from my mistake. Your tank size and how long it's been established needs to dictate which and how many fish you select.
Oh yes, please remember your signature line when looking for fish....patience!
Good luck with your shopping!!


A pair of firefish are my favorite I will get them when I get a bigger tank,Right now I am limited because of the size tank I have.But when I upgrade

richard rendos

Active Member
If I had to pick one of my fish presently in my tanks, I would have to go with my Flame angel. If I could go with a former resident, I would say my Hippo Tang.


Which tank should I start out with?
In my 35g hex reef would be my pair of perculas since they are the only ones there besides my lawnmower blenny. Once I move my flame angel from my fish only to it, then it will probably be the flame.
In my 54g corner fish only tank will be my volitan lion which doubled in size from almost a year ago.
I just started my 180g reef and right now my sailfin is the only fish in it. It's been with me for almost a year ago as well.
Best advice: patience and read as much as you can first before buying anything.

tru conch

Active Member
with my current fish, i would have to say my yellow headed sleeper goby. i just love to watch him sift through the sand. very comical fish. :)


I would definiatly say my Coral Beauty Angel.....its awsome......colors are great....Flame Angels are great too if you can get a healthy one!.....good luck


Well, I'de have to say that my Blonde Naso is pretty high up there, but I just traded in my Yellow tang for a Red sea salfin tang and he is pretty awsome too.


I really like my algae blenny. They should have been called "clownfish" Mine does things that can bring tears of laughter to my eyes. I'm not sure if he's braindead or just funny. :D