(Prizm users)Prizm bubbles?

Hey gang-This is a question for the Prizm users. I put my Prizm on a couple days ago and I am getting little micro-bubbes returning to my tank. Anybody else have this problem? I have the valve just about closed and it's still happening. Anyone? Can I put a sponge or something in the return flow to cut down on the bubbles? Let me know.


New Member
Two things you could do to resolve this problem. Put a Piece of felt or sponge where the water flows back into the tank. Or you could do as I have and put the whole unit under the tank in your sump.


Active Member
When I got my new Prism it took about 3 days as the instructions said it would before the unit functioned properly. You are right in that you almost have to close the flow completely before the bubbles finally go away. I checked my setting against my lfs settings and found he also had his almost closed and yet it worked like a charm. It really is a great little piece of equipement once you figure it out.


even though you think the flow vavle cant be closed any more...keep closing on the valve.. little by little...it will go away...
it takes time.. i would first close it all the way.. then just give a tweek open...wait a little then a little more..when the bubbles start to appear.. back off a little then...
shoudnt need to put foam or anything in to return area...
Thanks gang-question in ref. to putting a spoge or something in there-Wouldn't that clog up the water from the return and overflo out the sides? I'd love to put it in a sump but I'm still trying to get my specs right before I go that route. If anyone has some good plans in building one, let me know. I'd love to copy verbatim if it orks nicely. Also, I have a bunch of live rock that is just sitting in my tank, unfortunately it's got a little hair algae built up. I'm planning n getting new live rock and putting the old stuff in my sump when I make it. This brings up another question though, would the hair algae "creep" into my tank quicker or would it dye off because of no lighting under there. Thanks people, you guys have been a huge help.