the airline has to be BEFORE the impeller assembly. air is sucked (aspirated) into the pump, chopped up by the spinning impeller (needlewheel/paddlewheel/pinwheel whatever) and sent to your skimmer. if you arent sucking in air where you have it capped off you are going to have to make a port closer to the pump but still before the impeller assembly( I dont see how bubbles would go out the intake when there is no force to drive it in the opposite direction the pump is pulling it. do you have the water control closed to the point where its trapping some of the air?). Only "true" venturi skimmers such as those with beckett injectors have the air drawn in after the pump. those require a powerful pump and often real engineered or trial and error venturi to pull air into the water stream after the pump where it is then chopped up by the beckett or some other sort of nozzle. As you can imagine a maxijet is incapable of pushing water strong enough to pull in significant air past the pump into the water stream. Skimmers such as yours (needle wheel or any that suck in air before the impeller/needlewheel) are aspirating skimmers and often incorrectly labled as "venturi" skimmers because they put some cheap taper (sometimes not even just a straight tube) on the intake before the pump. Real venturi skimmers draw in air like yours is set up now.