Pro Line 1000 Wet/Dry Filter? Is it a good system


New Member
I am looking at the Pro Line 1000 Wet/Dry Filter and was wondering if anyone has used it or has a review on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tybud
I am looking at the Pro Line 1000 Wet/Dry Filter and was wondering if anyone has used it or has a review on it.

I bought one the other day and its not really that great of a system u will end up spending more money trying to get everything that it needs. it says u get all this stuff but when u end up getting it you will have to buy more then its worth so if u are getting it for a certain reason i dont see it being worth. Not sure what site u are getting it at but i got my at one and i had to get almost everything besides the wet/dry bio balls and a skimmer. but i had to but more plumbing stuff. But if u have anymore questions about it let me know