probably a stupid question


New Member
so, i'm starting up a new 55 gal tank..i've got a CC substrate and so far about 20 pounds fiji live rock that's been in for over 2 weeks. i'm running an emporer 400, a prizm skimmer, and a maxi jet powerhead to move water. i have only the standard 40 watt flourescent light in the hood. are there any sponges/corals/mushrooms etc that can live under just this lighting?

nm reef

Active Member
Extremely low on the lighting...possibly mushrooms or polyps. I'd suggest a lighting up-grade first though.
There are certain corals that need no light to survive, like some of the sun corals. The one that pops to mind is the tubestrea sun. It's found in caves in the ocean and doesn't require any light to survive. The only catch is you have to feed it once every other day or so. But the tubestrea sun is a very attractive coral from the pictures I've seen. Just to let you know, I don't have any corals, this is just one of the things I have researched. If you're interested in this coral, do a search on the internet for more info.
Hey Joe's Reefer, I was told that fish don't require any special lighting and that all the light you needed was just enough to see them. What fish are light sensitive? Thanks.


i'd like to know the answer to that question myself.. never heard of a fish that needs light to survive.. while most fish enjoy light.. they can easily get used to not having much or any at far as i know anyway.. most mushrooms and polyps like stars or buttons.. will live under a low intensity light they won't ever really reach their full color or brilliance potential under such light,however.. i would also recommend a light upgrade before purchasing any coral..

sodium, chlorine, hydrogen2, oxegen

Well, i know fish dont need that much lighting,just enough to see and just enough so that they dont think its night. But for the corals, if you are really serious about the fish and corals, you will have to upgrade your lighting. Not even the polyps (or mushrooms) will thrive in a tank with that much light. I would recommend either PC's (4-6 40wt or 4-6 96wts) or VHO's, Or MH. I, really dont like MH cuase it does make the water temp rise, and it does make the water yellow although it does make the ripples in the water. I think that is really cool. VHO's are very good for reef tanks and so are PC's. people have alot of diferent opinions about lighting. If you do want to up-grade your lighting, make another thread. i will be glad to help you out there. By for now!