probably a stupid question


just wondering about air in saltwater or better yet the lack of it. i keep quite a feww freshwater and have had as many as 16 at one time going including a 150 gallon headboard for my waterbed. in freshwater it is so important to have enough air in the tank. but i am new to saltwater and the first thing i noticed is the lack of air in the tanks. why is that how does the water maintain oxygen levels. i noticed on a past post that someone mentioned oxygen leve in a tank what kind of test does this and what should the levels be
thanks ya'll you have been very helpful so far i will try to refrain from the stupid questions from now on


New Member
I too have noticed that and have got mixed reply's. I have always ran air stones in my SW. Except for the 2 months that I tried without. My fish seemed to be happier and more active. But this more than likely was that they were used to the air and then I go and take it away. That's my 2 cents about it


no one ever mentions if the powerheads they use are wth or without the air are the powerheads used more for circulation i notice many in fish store that lay on the bottom of the tanks
and also some stuck to side with a revolving out take if that makes sence


New Member
The Maxi 1200 I have has the option of AIR. I dont use this, I messed with it a little but not enuff to get it going, although I already had the air stones going so I didnt need this going. I use mine just to give Fish the current they need and to help stir up any junk that settles. I have mine set opposite of Filter and set so it will hit about every spot in the tank and push everything to Filter Intake.


New Member
Hmmm Never noticed that about the doors and windows CLosed up.....HMMMMMMMMMMMMM My Ph stays between 8 and .6
I am gonna have to try that out....Not that I dont believe you, just wondering how much it will affect it


the questions aren't stupid to me but some people might differ in tthat opinion just don't want to bother people with questions that aren't worthy of replying to

david s

my first time into salt water I used air on my powerheads and want to talk about salt creep. it was awful it was all over the place


The majority of gas exchange is at the surface of the water, not from air bubblers. It is important to have good circulation so more water comes in contact with the surface. Air stones are frowned upon mainly if you have corals. The tiny air bubbles can interfere with the corals ability to filter the water. Also, air bubles will cause salt creep like you would not believe. And to answer your question about testing for oxygen levels, there are test kits available. Just go to your lfs and ask. I know my local ***** sells them along with all the other usual test kits. Don't know what the levels should be, as I don't test for it. Maybe someone else can help with that one:)


New Member
water circulation in what you need. If you are using a protein skimmer, you are adding all the oxygen you need. My 90 gal has no airstones, never has. The skimmer makes its bubbles to attract the proteins and also generates the oxygen in the water.
My filter retun outlet is 3/4 sbmerged, leaving a small part above water that make a small splash to also generate bubbles. All i ever had and the fish are fine.