Probably already know the answer...


ok so i have 2 tanks, a 29 gallon and a 55 gallon. due to lack of time i would really like to close down my 29 and combine my corals and fish into my 55 gallon. my problem is i have one black and white clown in my 29 gallon and one orange clown in my 55 gallon. the only fish in my 55 gallon are the clown, royal gamma, and 2 engineer gobies you NEVER see.
so my question is, if i add the black and white clown into the 55 gallon will they fight? i am thinking yes, but didn't know for sure.


Active Member
only one way to find out. Before you do maybe move your rocks around to confuse the one in your 55. Which is bigger and what kind of clown is in your 55?


yes they will you dont want to mix species of clowns. Now if they are both of the same speceis like perculas then you might be alright.


they both are false percs. they both look about the same size, but if i had to pick, i'd say the orange one in the 55 is a tad bigger. thanks for the help!


Active Member
Ocellaris "false percula" will fight a b&w Ocellaris . Even if they were both Ocellaris ,as you mention they are the same size , they will fight to death trying to determine who is the dominant one .