Problem or not?


New Member
I know I've already posted about a week ago regarding algae problems.
It hasn't really gotten any worse...but thought I would include a picture of one of my rocks...with this growth on it.
Is this something to be concerned with?
What should I do?
It's a 30 gallon tank, with a few live rock, and two small clown fish. A few hermits and snails are in the mix also.
Other than that....I dunno...I'm new to this.


Active Member
also how old are the lights?
is the tank exposed to direct sunlight?
you might need to just add some more snails if there is no problems


New Member
The water I top off with is Distilled water from the grocery.
I don't have a test kit, but my local fish store says everything is fine with the water.
I'm not near any windows, not even close.
The lighting is only a month old. A 36" Current Satellite.
This stuff just started showing up everywhere.
Someone told me that it should go away sooner or later.
Is that true?
looks like hair algae, could be casued from over feeding, which will cause high nutrients.
the algae needs it to survive, most times testing wont reveal phos unless its tested with a photometer


New Member
sorry for the late response.
You mentioned over feeding.
I only have 2 clown fish and I can assure you that they are not getting much food.
Just a few flakes, once or twice a day.
I think someone else mentioned overfeeding, but I know that's not my problem.
Thanks for the input though!