Problem with 14 gallon biocube, HELP!


Just purchased and setup a 14gallon biocube. Here's my problem, When the tank is running, the water level is down below the minimum (yet it's silent) and when I turn the tank off, it reaches the maximum water level or above. I don't know if it would be better to turn it off or keep it running while I figure out what's wrong.
Also if anyone has any ideas as to what is keeping it from staying at the right amount of water in the 3rd chamber, please let me know, I'm at a loss. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Wat part of texas you from?
Just add more water when its on until its above the min level. Sounds like thatll fix the problem


I'll try to add more water to the 3rd chamber, the tank itself is completely filled to the brim, making me afraid to do so, but perhaps I shall try.
I live about 20mins from Glaveston


Wow, I feel so dumb (then again it is late
) I thought that adding water would cause my tank to overflow, seeing as it was filled to the brim, but I've added some more water to the 3rd chamber, (aswell as tweaking a few small items) and its working fine now, plus it's not spouting out micro bubbles, thanks! Truly appreciate it!
Here's another question. I've always used instant ocean, and for my biocube I used natual ocean water from ***** (premixed in a box) and I'm wondering how long the cycle will be, if at all, seeing as its already mixed. Any ideas?


Active Member
lol dont worry. And ull always know if the 3d chamber is ow. If it gets low it starts shooting out those Micro bubbles big time.
And I wouldnt use anything form *****. lol.. never been there since theres not one here, but ive also never heard anything good about *****.
But on a real note. The cycle wont depend on what water you use. since the bacteria you need in ur tank doesnt live in water. It comes form the sand and Lr. So quiestiion would be, whered u buy the live rock and ls sand? and was it fully cured? Those is whatt'll make a difference factoring into the cycle


Active Member
The cycle depends on the liverock and sand mainly... For smaller tanks I like to buy rock (covered in coralline is a plus) and sand out of an established tank... I literally stock my biocube14 24 hours after running it. I put my pair of yashia gobies in there with their candy stripe pistol and a gold nosed eviota goby. The tank has been running since january so its been fine so far..
I will say a few good mods would be a maxijet900 to replace the stock return pump (more flow, less draw and runs cooler), get a skimmer(I dunno if there is a better one than the biocube skimmer that'll fit in the 14), a hydor nano powerhead is great when you put it in the middle of the tank, and a hydor FLO nozzle for the return may not be a bad idea either. I also dropped rubble in the 2nd chamber after pulling all the sponges, 1st chamber insert, and bioballs. I've got a purigen pad and some rowaphos packed in where chamber 2 meets chamber 3.


Sand was purchased from *****, (Tried a local store, but didn't have cash, and they didn't take checks) and the lr was purchased from a guy who had it in a 75 for 2+ years, and its now in my 155, (I'm going to snatch a little bit) I guess I'll just wait for a normal cycle time, I'm mad to know i spend all that extra money on "Premixed water" only to find it still must cycle the same ammount of time...but as I've been told patient. It's just hard to though because I have a wildcaught seahorse in my 155 (newly setup, just finished cycle) and I have to get him situated in my nano nefore I continue on it my big tank,(Making sure he doesn't get eaten) =]


I'm calling it a night, thanks for all the help and for dealing with me when I'm in such a lazy/tired mood



Active Member
Originally Posted by aquashelle
Sand was purchased from *****, (Tried a local store, but didn't have cash, and they didn't take checks) and the lr was purchased from a guy who had it in a 75 for 2+ years, and its now in my 155, (I'm going to snatch a little bit) I guess I'll just wait for a normal cycle time, I'm mad to know i spend all that extra money on "Premixed water" only to find it still must cycle the same ammount of time...but as I've been told patient. It's just hard to though because I have a wildcaught seahorse in my 155 (newly setup, just finished cycle) and I have to get him situated in my nano nefore I continue on it my big tank,(Making sure he doesn't get eaten) =]
It wont take as long as a regualr cycle time. SInce Rocks are fully cured and full of life.
In my 30 I did the same as u. took rocks out my 55 added it to my 30 gal. Bought new sand and a couple cups of it form my 55 and I never saw a cycle. I added a dead shrimp overnight and notihng spiked. But I still waited 2-3 weeks before adding anything. Just make sure u test
Goodnight. SLeep well