problem with clown's


i have two false clowns and it seems that one of the clowns is bossing around the other one and attacks it? the other one has scars on its side? what do i do?



just leave them be! they are establishing male and female ! unless they are large fish and both are already females and one will likly die!


Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
just leave them be! they are establishing male and female ! unless they are large fish and both are already females and one will likly die!
yeah their both large biggest two at the LFS but i'll give them a while so you think if it dies i should get a smaller one?


Active Member
In groups they are all by nature males, but the largest of the group is female. If you get two, one should always be slightly larger than the other. If one of them was already the largest in the tank it will likely already be a female, otherwise, the "fighting" is the larger of the two establishing dominance and becoming the female. The other will remain a male.
If they were in the same tank at the pet store, it's likely that they'll be ok, though usually we want to pick a pair where one is noticeably larger than the other.


Originally Posted by m0nk
In groups they are all by nature males, but the largest of the group is female. If you get two, one should always be slightly larger than the other. If one of them was already the largest in the tank it will likely already be a female, otherwise, the "fighting" is the larger of the two establishing dominance and becoming the female. The other will remain a male.
If they were in the same tank at the pet store, it's likely that they'll be ok, though usually we want to pick a pair where one is noticeably larger than the other.
thanks for the advice very helpful


Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
just leave them be! they are establishing male and female ! unless they are large fish and both are already females and one will likly die!
clowns can change back to male after they have been female, its painful to watch but its just the way clowns are...and yes when buying 2 at the same time i would have gone for the largest and the smallest, i dont like it when people buy 2 clowns from the same store wanting them to be a breeding pair...they are 99% of the time from the same parents..and inbreeding is well IMO is ummm well COMMON PEOPLE ITS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!! hahaha if you where wanting to breed and raise the fry i would have a big problem with it sence the offspring wouldnt have deformities but their offspring's offspring would...i think yours will make it mateing pair of maroons female is close to 5" and male is only 1/4" smaller


Originally Posted by reefmate75
clowns can change back to male after they have been female, its painful to watch but its just the way clowns are...and yes when buying 2 at the same time i would have gone for the largest and the smallest, i dont like it when people buy 2 clowns from the same store wanting them to be a breeding pair...they are 99% of the time from the same parents..and inbreeding is well IMO is ummm well COMMON PEOPLE ITS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!! hahaha if you where wanting to breed and raise the fry i would have a big problem with it sence the offspring wouldnt have deformities but their offspring's offspring would...i think yours will make it mateing pair of maroons female is close to 5" and male is only 1/4" smaller

one died last night poor little guy my scarlet shrimp was picking on it this morning
i will definetly get a smaller one from another store
thanks for the advice always greatful


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefmate75
clowns can change back to male after they have been female, its painful to watch but its just the way clowns are...
I don't think they can change back from Female to Male. You sure about that?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I don't think they can change back from Female to Male. You sure about that?
positive...i had bought my frist maroon clown from one of my LFS she was about 4.5" big...i had her for over a year alone in my tank and i aquired another that the owners didnt want her anymore becuase she stired up the sand alot, i took her becuase they said she was smaller then 4.5" big they said maybe 3.5 so i though ok a mate for my clown..well bad news was she was almost 5" and stupid me took her anyways, well i added her in and they went to town fins scaels skin mouths all ripped up, well the new one finally took over that same very day only part of her that was hurt was her fins alittle and her mouth had skin flapping in and out, i took the finless clown and put her into my sump and hoped she would recover, about 4 months later all fins back no sign of ever beeing damaged, so i repeted to put HIM back into the tank and that time there was no fight only alot of chaseing..about 3 days later the female wasnt chasing him anymore and 3 weeks after that about...its been awhile but i think it was 3 weeks they laied their first batch of eggs and they never leave each others sides where the female gose the male is right behind her, and they spawn 2-4 times a month currently i am researching breeding as that big momma lays around 1400 eggs a pop and even if i only get 2$ per fish it will still help a lot with my own costs
if you raise a pair of maroon clowns the dominate will grow alot faster and the males stay really small in comparison and when my fellow OMOS members see that pair they always ask how did that male get so big and i have to explain it all over again...but they love each other and been together in my tank i would say going on 5 years now and that maroon you see in my avitar is the male if you can see that white spot at the end of his tail thats the female in one of her anemones...the one that likes to stay in that cave and get bleached haha
PM. recently changed can see the mated pair together in this pic, the male is the one in the anemone, and the female is guarding her egg pile she lays about on avg. 1thousand eggs every 1-2 weeks shes a biggen