Problem with Goby


My Goby was minding his business, and then all of a sudden my Sixline was just attacking it. Then my Coral Beauty started in. I noticed the Goby has some of his fin missing. Why are they attacking him? I al completely shocked, the Sixline was so peaceful then all of sudden this? What should I do?


Active Member
What kind of goby is he? I think the CB just responded to the 6 lines attack. I had a six line that chased my mandarin extensively. I had to get rid of the 6 line.


Active Member
Sixlines can be problematic in time, especially with similar size fish. How long was it established in the tank? Was the goby new? I'm concerned why the CB started the health of the goby for sure.


Active Member
The 6 line and the 4 wheel drive are competing for food. As Opiura said watch the CB and the Goby. How much damage was done?


Some missing fins on the Goby, which was done by the Sixline. The Coral Beauty has stopped, it seems he was just checking the Goby out.


Whenever the CB comes up to it, it scurries to another part of the tank. What other peaceful fish could I get to replace the Sixline. I have, a Sixline, CB, Percula, and the 4wd. I was thinking about Chromis.


Active Member
Chromis can be hit or miss, and do somewhat better in schools, IMO. What size tank is it?


Active Member
They can grow some back, it just depends, poor little guy.
I wouldnt recomend a 6 line to anybody, but thats just my experience. Feed him some good vitamin soaked food, maybe use some fresh garlic, it'll help fight off any infections as well as give him a little boost.


That is too bad I love all goby's. My 6line is very peaceful and I also have one chromis and have no problem, my blue tang is his best friend. Just goes to show, one works for some and not others. Good Luck with the Goby.


Active Member
My six line is one of the highlights of my tank.......So, until he shows agression, I'm not going to say I wouldn't recommend one to anyone. But on another thread, I just mentioned that I am about to add a Goby, so this agression between these two species is good info. to me.