Problem with LTA


Active Member
Thats a shame. Thats a beautiful animal. Does it look like the tissue is rotting or just torn or ripped as if something bite into it. They do tear very easly but most likely will heal if conditions that caused it are gone. I dont know of any critter like nudis ect. that would do that but possibale I quess.
Im sorry I really cant say more than that but I sure do hope it recovers.
Nice photo too.


Active Member
I just noticied this tonight. I do not have anything in the tank that dines on my LTA. I have a mated pair of gold band, crabs and snails. Now it could have ripped during transporting or moving him from tank to tank.
He has been open and looks real happy.
Thanks for the reply. I really hope he recovers. Do I need to give him anything?
I looks like a rip to me, but I am a newbe and could be completely incorrect!


Active Member
Thanks for the update. He has been 1/2 closed for the past 12 hours. I am hoping he opens back up. Time will tell. :thinking:


A very nice shot!
I can't tell if thats the mesenterial filaments or the gametogenic tissue or both, can you blow it up and center on that area, or give me an updated pic?


Active Member
Thomas, here is a new shot... picture is not as good as the other one and the 2nd shot was taken this am...



Ewwwe, looks like both mesenterial filaments and gametogenic tissue, but it doesn't seem to be suffering.
However if a fish, crab, worm or anything else decides that just might be a tasty meal then....well.... just keep an eye on it.
I'm afraid it will have to try to heal itself, wish there were something like a liquid bandaid made for anemones.
Hmmm. I wonder if you could protect it by cutting a piece of PVC pipe and placing the column in it? you know partly burried in the sand? Just an idea if things become and emergancy and something is trying to eat it where the wound is. Just a thought.
Not that the darn thing would stay there, no doubt it would try to move right away.
One other thought, check it out with a flashlight at night and see if anything is crawling around the wound.
Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks for the idea. I did notice a few crabs in the area after lights out, but did not see them eating away. This certainly does not mean they are "innocent".
I did speak to the LFS and they are willing to fully warranty him if need be.
Do you suggest me bringing him back and get a new one? I am not sure how long the offer is open, but they know me pretty well up there.


If it were in my hands I would give it a fighting chance in my tank. Having to package it up, transport, reacclimate in a new system, only causes more stress, but its your choice and I would understand if you took him back. Which also brings up a possibility of the LFS having damaged him when they collected it from thier tanks....could be?


Active Member
I want to give him a chance and see what happens over the next days to come. I did call my LFS and they will take him back even if I give him another few days in my tank.
My LFS recommended that I do not do anemones, since I am having so many issues.
I do not agree, since I killed the first one and this one is damaged. Mysterious deaths I can understand.
He looked healthy in my tank for one day. I am thinking they may have damaged him during the transfer from their tank to my tank.
I bought him and left him there for 5 days to see how he was looking and he was cmpletely opened in their tank.

I just noticied if you look at the first picture in the far left, you can see a crab.