Problem with my Heating in my tank


I have not been able to stablize any tempature in my tank since I put water in it 2 weeks ago. Sometimes when I wake up the temp dips 2 degrees below what I have it set at(77). However,through the day it is around 77. I know that room tempature has alot to do with it and when it is hot outside this room I have my aqaurium in is hot and when it is cold it gets cold.
How can I correct this about my tank? I do not want to mess with the temp everyday.
Thanks for the Help


Active Member
How old is your heater? Have you concidered getting a new one? I have heard tales of heaters malfunctioning and killing everything in the tank. Anyway, a good heater is one of the less expensive items in this hobby and well worth the $.

mr . salty

Active Member
Two degrees fluctuation will be NO problem.In the summer my tank had swings as much as 10 degrees,and didn't hurt anything...The thing to worry about is if it get too hot or too cold...Also,quick temp swings,say 10degrees in a couple hours.But what you are describing shouldn't be a problem...


Heater, Heater, Heater! I have the same problem. My heater is really inconsistent. Well it is ok now, cause my lights heep my tank warm, but in 1 week I have to take a little holiday for a month. They will drop the temp in my room to about 50 degrees, now let me tell you I am getting the best heater I can find tomorrow!!!


Active Member
your right about room temp, but as most everyone else said, a couple of degrees is not a big deal. Just monitor it and your tank carefully. My tank used to be affected by a large picture window that the sun would directly hit at about 3 in the afternoon. The window would intensify the light and heat the tank up a couple of degrees, but nothing is wrong with that!


Active Member
another thing, not yet mentioned,
Where is your tank?
when ours was in a spot that sunlight would hit it we had similar problems


What about your lights? What type of lights do you have? That could raise the temp in the tank if the lights get hot w/o a fan.