Problem with my Salinity


Last week I measured it and it was around 1.023, this week it is up near 1.026?
Why is that and am I doing something wrong?
What do I do to lower my salinity?
Thanks for all the help


It's possible that some water evaporated creating the rise in your salinity. If so just fill your tank up to the level it was before with fresh water. If the tank is completely full now you will have to do a fresh water change until you get the salinity down. You can do small water changes twice a day.


if the tank was full of water when you first tested, make sure it is full when you test again..when water evaporates the salt does not and salt levels go up,


As a new saltwater hobbiest, it makes me proud to be able to answer this question...
:) Most often this is caused, like the others said, by the water evaporating. What I do to get the salinity back down again - even though I can never tell that the higher levels are affecting my fish - is just to add fresh water, treated of course. Then I wait a few minutes and test again, then everything's fine! But, like the other guy said, if you're tank is too full you'll need to empty some out and then add the fresh water. It's an easy fix, which is nice compared to some of the problems you may face later. Good luck!
Shelly, the saltwater nut! ;)


when u are making up the water for your water changes are u testing that water to before u put it in because when u mix it and let it set for a couple of days that can evaproate to and have the same effect as on the tank :p


there is a girl i know who kept losing all kinds of her fish,and tested the water for nitrates,amonia,nitrites,ect.and every thing seemed to be fine,untill she decided to finaly check her saline level and it pegged the needle to the top of the saline she more the less pickled her fish,and by adding fresh water she reversed her problem,and whats left of her fish are fine,i'm assuming?!