Problem with PH lately


IM currently running a 55 gallon reef which is about 7 months old. My KH is 8.96 according to my Salifert test kit. As of late my ph has been sitting around 7.8/7.9. I refuse to add any buffer to my tank because of a bad mistake I made in the past. I cant think of anything ive done differently latelty. Ive tried running an airstone in my fuge but to no avail. Oh yes I take my PH readings in the late afternoon. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
anything died lately? even that you dont know of yet? look around could be the cause.. just curious, what mistake did you make in the past?


Nothing has died in the tank since Ive started.(lots of research)I added buffer to my tank once and I didnt like the reaction I got from my corals. Theres a problem somewhere and I dont think adding buffer will solve it. Buffer would bring my PH up but it will also raise my alkalinity which I dont want to do. I forgot to mention that I did add a hammer coral about 3 weeks ago. Could that be causing it.


10 gallon water changes once a week;religiously. I like to do a 5 gallon change on sat and a 5 gallon change on sun.Heres a pic of my reef


well, I have had some of this issue, seems that a CO2 buildup could cause this to drop...I turned a powerhead up for more surface agitation..seemed to have worked. I already had agitation that seems more than enough, but this did help.....give it a shot!