Problem with Prizm set


If you've had a similar experience and solved the problem, please let me now how you did it! :hilarious
I have an Eclipse hood on my tank. I bought the Prizm skimmer. It won't hang on the back with the hood...or the hood won't fit with the skimmer! I thought about cutting a small section out of the back of the hood, but thought I'd look for feedback before I did anything that permanent!
Thanks to anyone that can help!
cc in tx


i had the same exact problem with my prizim..... i just notched the hood where it needed to be placed.... i now have a sump.... so its n there but... i had to cut my worked out that the skimmer is exactly flush with the top of my hood....


Thanks a bunch! I kinda figured that's what I needed to do...
On placement...any suggestions on location? For instance, intake for Eclipse is at rear left, heater and powerhead is at rear right. would it be more beneficial to put the skimmer about the middle, or more to the right (opposite Eclipse intake, but would be under water flow) and move the powerhead to the other side...or does it even matter?


honestly its all personal preferance.... i would place the skimmers and filters where they woudl be seen the least maybe but them in the middle and try to build the rock up so you can cover them.... as far as powerheads.... i liek to have mine ( 2 of them) all on the left side glass pushing in one direction.... but thats just me... try to run sth system without the hood if you can for a while and see if youy liek it.... once you find where you liek it at than cut the hood.... are you planning on having a reef tank of fish only? if you say reef i woudl strongly recomend a refuge. i added one and its soooo much better... less clutter in tank and much better curculation and filtration.... but its all up to you.


for the time being, I am just going FOWLR, until I feel comfortable with it. I would like to eventually go reef, but I have some upgrading to do first, and a LOT to learn. I've actually had my tank about 3.5 months, but just started over about a week ago. I put too much faith into the lfs here (multiple people - multiple answers!) and did EVERYthing wrong, ultimately crashing. My little clowns are in a little tank getting daily testings and weekly water changes while the other tank starts over. This time I'm taking my time - hurry up and wait! I completely took my tank down, then started over with RO water, sand, a lot more LR, powerhead, and trying to add skimmer. I fed the tank fish food every day for about 4 days, then 3 days ago added an uncooked shrimp. Still waiting for it to start cycling...again...hurry up and wait. But the water is still perfect! Same as when it went in. The refugium...what is the difference between it and a sump? Still don't have that completely understood.


a refuge is a place to store macro algae, a deep sand bed, and live rock rubble. these things can all help to clean and purify the water of nitrate. a sump is just a tank below the tank. where you use bio balls instead of a natural filtration meathod.... my sump is a sump/fuge.... it has small secton of bio balls and macro algae and live rock.... in the sump i also hide my heater, skimmer, pump. filter media, digital thermometer, and workign on installing my hydrometer. in the end if you are going to construst a sump make a fuge its the best way to go.... and take your time ....