Problem with RO/DI unit and phosophates


I got a typhoon Ro/Di unit approx 6 months ago. I noticed hair algae begin to appear for the first time after switching over to filtering my own water. I had a lot of other things going on (wife had a baby) so i just chalked up the algae to my inattention to the tank. I noticed that it has not improved despite new lights and a few months of careful maintenance so I decided to test my RO/DI top off water.
Tap Water = 0.50 ppm Phosphate
Filtered water = 0.50 ppm Phosphate
Display Tank = 0.00 ppm Phosphate (I assume the phosohate is being consumed by the huge ball of chaeto in my fuge and the spots of hair algae in the display.)
Should my Ro/Di filter be removing the phosphates in the tap water? Do they even do that or was I just assuming?


It looks like my DI resin was exhausted. I just ordered a replacement filter and I hope that will fix the issue.