Problem with Skimmer


Ok i have a Red Sea Prizm Skimmer for tanks up to 100 gal. I am having trouble getting it to skim, but not produce bubbles in my tank.
When i get it to skim, the collection cup fills with water in a matter of hrs, and the tank has the bubbles.
When i get rid of the bubble in the tank, it will not skim.
I am not using any additives.
Is this normal for a new skimmer, an i not doing something right, or is there something wrong with the skimmer?


Hi Aquaman
That is typical behavior of a Red Sea Primz skimmer.
There is a adjust intake valve. Turn it to 90-95% down. Open the air tube. It take a while for the skimmer to break in.
What tank size do you have?


Thanks for responding, Its a 29 gal tank, i know i could have gotten a smaller skimmer, but i wanted to make sure it would do the job.
I have been trying the valvue at diffrent levels, and although i can stop most of the bubble from forming in the tank itself, i cannot get it to skim, on the other had when i get it to skim, it fills the cup with water way to fast, and i get the micro bubbles in the tank.
Is this just a matter of waiting time for it to break in or should i return this for a diffrent one?


Just play with the flow control on the effluent of your skimmer. The Skimmed material should be a dark brown liquid. For a 29 and such a large skimmer you should not have to dump it often at all once it skims your tank for a few days. You want the bubbles to be about 1/3 way up in the collection tube. The proteins will accumulate and rise from this and fall into your collection bin. Hense the dark brown liquid.
You will notice a reduction in efficency after a few months. THis is normal and can be fixed by soaking the entire skimmer in fresh water for an hour to two.


Thanks i think i got it to do that , but i am still having the micro bubbles in the tank, is this normal, and will it go away?