Active Member
I bought what was sold to me as a yellow tang, but I'm pretty sure is actually a mimic tang. Anyways, when I got it, it was bright yellow, swam well, ate well, etc. All was good. About a week later, I noticed that it's color wasn't as good... it looked like it was starting to turn black. It's been that way for about 3-4 weeks now. Looks like it's covered in ash. The black is very dark at the mouth and gill covers. All water parameters are perfect, he still eats and swims fine. Nothing has changed in the tank or with the tang's habits or manerisms... he just looks like he's covered with ash. FWIW, he won't eat seaweed selects, only general flake food, but he's constantly picking at the rocks and glass. There are still patches of algae on the rocks. Could it be a nutrition issue... i.e. not enough of some vitamin is affecting his color?