Problem with Tr due Percula Clown


New Member
Can someone help. I have a 125 gal. tank, readings are all 0, tank is cycled, has been cycled for over 1.5 months added first fish in their. 1 yellow tail damsel, doing fine, 3 turbo snails, and 1 peppermnt shrimp, a blue legged hermit. Have 60 lbs of LR that was cured for 2 months in seperate tank. Have 40 lbs of LS, with aprox 80lbs of CC. SG is 1.23, temp is 78, and ph 8.3. Just wanted to get this out of the way.
The problem I have is I added 3 True percula clowns about 1 week ago, I placed them in my qt tank for 1 week. After the week they seemed fine no irregular things about them. Once I added them to my main tank, they seemed happy kept their distance from the damsel, and even began getting along with damsel. But now, one of the clowns today began swimming on top, and in fact would see him upside down at times on the top, and let himself float along the current and then swim back toward the other side of tank. He is eating ok, always has appetite, and will come to the glass when I come to glass, but just doesn't seem normal. He would also let the water from the skimmer roll him all over. He also has had fins nipped at from other fish. They are all pretty young still about 3/4 of inch to 1 inch in length. I pulled the clown that wasn't doing well and placed in the qt tank. also a little more info on the clown. He would continually swim with his head downward, and tail in the air at about a 45deg angle, as if there was a bouncy issue.
sorry for all the info, but maybe some one can help with some insight on this.