I got a Radiata from a LFS a week ago today...He's about 4 inches long or so, and appeared to be in good health. LFS told me that he had eaten some live feeders that day, so I did not see him eat in the store.
I have been trying to target feed him for a week now with silversides, krill, and also offering mysis shrimp as I feed my dwarf fuzzy. He shows absolutely no interest in eating whatsoever...in fact, he pretty much hangs out in the same place all day and doesn't move around a whole lot. This didn't bother me much for the first few days, but now I'm getting concerned as I'm approaching a week without seeing him eat. Do you guys think I should go and buy some live feeders/shrimp? I had not been soaking the food in vitamins like I have read that I should be, but I'll pick some up tomorrow. Anything I can do to entice this fish to eat. I'm just worried since he's not eating at all. The dwarf fuzzy is happy as a clam all the time. Water parameters look good as well. Thanks in advance.
I have been trying to target feed him for a week now with silversides, krill, and also offering mysis shrimp as I feed my dwarf fuzzy. He shows absolutely no interest in eating whatsoever...in fact, he pretty much hangs out in the same place all day and doesn't move around a whole lot. This didn't bother me much for the first few days, but now I'm getting concerned as I'm approaching a week without seeing him eat. Do you guys think I should go and buy some live feeders/shrimp? I had not been soaking the food in vitamins like I have read that I should be, but I'll pick some up tomorrow. Anything I can do to entice this fish to eat. I'm just worried since he's not eating at all. The dwarf fuzzy is happy as a clam all the time. Water parameters look good as well. Thanks in advance.