Problems feeding new Radiata Lion


I got a Radiata from a LFS a week ago today...He's about 4 inches long or so, and appeared to be in good health. LFS told me that he had eaten some live feeders that day, so I did not see him eat in the store.
I have been trying to target feed him for a week now with silversides, krill, and also offering mysis shrimp as I feed my dwarf fuzzy. He shows absolutely no interest in eating fact, he pretty much hangs out in the same place all day and doesn't move around a whole lot. This didn't bother me much for the first few days, but now I'm getting concerned as I'm approaching a week without seeing him eat. Do you guys think I should go and buy some live feeders/shrimp? I had not been soaking the food in vitamins like I have read that I should be, but I'll pick some up tomorrow. Anything I can do to entice this fish to eat. I'm just worried since he's not eating at all. The dwarf fuzzy is happy as a clam all the time. Water parameters look good as well. Thanks in advance.


You can feed ghost shrimp but feed the ghost shrimp something nutritional before feeding them to your lion, see if the Radiata has any interest in the shrimp. With the Radiata, I would try the shrimp and get some crabs if possible, see if your LFS has or can get fiddler crabs for you.
Radiatas are beautiful lions that take patience, they can be difficult to get on prepared foods. It can be done but it may take longer than the fuzzy.
Radiatas do not ship well, do you know how long your LFS had the lion before you purchased it?
Watch the Fuzzy, see if it is harassing the Radiata, the fuzzy dwarfs are known to harass other dwarf species. My yellow fuzzy would never allow another dwarf species in my 300g, I have tried this and he came straight over to kill it. Fortunately I got the other dwarf (Zebra) out and it recovered, but it took seconds and the fins were torn & bite marks on the body.


OK, thanks for the advice. The fuzzy and the radiata have been getting along great, the fuzzy hasn't bothered the radiata at all. I'll check on some other foods.


I just got a radiata a few months back, altho it was only 0.75" so a little different than a 4"er. I did take a while to eat, and rarely moved for a good couple of weeks. First thing it ate was ghost shrimp, feeder fish were ignored. I had to move it to a quarentine tank because it wasnt outgoing enough to catch anything in the main tank. Now it is VERY active, and by far the most personable lionfish Ive ever had, swiming to the front top of the tank upon any human attention. But the little guy still refuses frozen food, Ive trained volitans, lunulatas, zebras, fuzzies, and anntennatas with no problems, but gut loaded ghost shrimp and saltwater bred mollies/guppies seem to be doing the trick as its grown noticably already.
