problems in the tank!


ok, i'm sort of new to this whole reef aquarium thing...and before i start to really build up my corals i need to figure out how to stop something. The thing is, i have this maroon colored algae growing over my live rocks and it's almost like a blanket over them (i can peel it right off) i have tried many things to stop it from growing and am getting tired of it... please :help: !!
( i hope to have pictures up soon so you guys will know more about what i'm discribing)


New tanks get many different blooms of algae that will die off. How old is this system, what lights are you using, and what is your water source?


i have had the aquarium for over a year now, and the algae has been around for about 4-6 months. i'm not sure on what lighting i have...i will have to look into it.


Originally Posted by reefchick15
i have had the aquarium for over a year now, and the algae has been around for about 4-6 months. i'm not sure on what lighting i have...i will have to look into it.
I would say so if you are planning to get corals. Let us know what kind you have. As for the algae, what is your source water? What kind of water movement do you have?


Originally Posted by earlybird
Does it look like this? This is cyanobacteria not an algae at all.

yes, in fact, it looks a lot like that. It is growing all over my rocks and some on my sand. How do i get rid of it?!?!?!?!


Active Member
Most people say using RO/DI water solves the problem. Good flow is really important. I just got over a battle w/this stuff and pointing a powerhead straight at it eventually made it fall off and die. If you've been battling it for over 4 months and you aren't using RO/DI water that is the first switch I'd make. Also, limit the amount of time your lights are one until you have the problem fixed. (someone say if this last part is wrong, but I believe they tend to grow in response to light). Good luck!


Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Most people say using RO/DI water solves the problem. Good flow is really important. I just got over a battle w/this stuff and pointing a powerhead straight at it eventually made it fall off and die. If you've been battling it for over 4 months and you aren't using RO/DI water that is the first switch I'd make. Also, limit the amount of time your lights are one until you have the problem fixed. (someone say if this last part is wrong, but I believe they tend to grow in response to light). Good luck!

haha, so where would i find the RO/DI water system, and what are the price ranges for setting one up...and are there any alternatives if it is pricy? thanks so much for replying!


Active Member
Reason 332 to NOT use TAP water. HA! Chemi-clean makes a red slime algea remover, but try vacumning it out first.


Originally Posted by hot883
Reason 332 to NOT use TAP water. HA! Chemi-clean makes a red slime algea remover, but try vacumning it out first.

What water do i use? thanks for the info...i will look into the red slime remover.