Problems with my Feather Duster


New Member
This just happened about 30min ago. I looked in at the tank and my large Feather Duster's...Duster has what looks like, Popped Right at the base. I have never seen this. I've had them before and this hasn't happened. Any ideas? Will it grow back or should I just take both pieces out of the tank? When both parts are together <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" /> ....It's about 6in long.


This is natural for feather dusters. During their life cycle they can loose their heads many times over. Just wait you will eventually see the feathered head reappear. It will be much smaller because it has to regrow all over again.


Unfortuantely it happens and its not really a good thing, but it will grow back. Remember that the crown is the food collecting device, and once its gone the worm doesn't eat. So the feather duster will usually cast off its crown during times of stress, poor water quality, harassing tankmates, and the most common stressor is lack of food.
Everytime the worms casts off its head, it takes body reserve to grow it back, so if the worm was well fed before hand, then it should grow back fine, Often times the crown grows back smaller and smaller and usually after the third time, the worm is byebye(so to speak). Do you have a good sandbed, or are you feeding this worm?
To point out what was posted above, the one tme that a worm will cast off its crown when healthy, is when its releases gamates, and you'll know when that happens.
good luck