problems with overflows

our gang

Hello all,
I just set up a 150 w/2 overflows. the water level in one overflow keeps going up and down until the line gets air in it, then the level raises to normal and then starts the process all over.
It's my first tank with overflows and don't know how to fix the problem. Any help would be appreciated.


first of all, did you plumb the system yourself? i have found it useful to put a ball valve on the return side, to control the return flow, and as far as with the overflow, if you make sort of like a p-trap, (like under your sink) it will cut down on any noises (gurgling and such) and help to stabilize the level in the overflow. just make sure you don't go back up more than 2 inches, or your sump will drain.

our gang

added more water earlier and all it done was raised the water level in the sump, and i did plumb it myself but the left overflow is operating fine but the right one is still going up and down. I also set up a p-trap on that side and still no change.


Active Member
IMO, the two drain pipes are not at equal hieghts or the one thats bounceing is not getting enough air thru the air adjuster/tube...

our gang

I don't know what happened, but it fixed it'self sometime during the night. Thanks for your advice.