proclear 75 wet/dry problems


New Member
Hey everyone!!:) I just got my proclear 75 wet/dry in the mail this morning, and I was hoping someone could help me with my setup seeing as I didn't get a complete set of instructions and the papers that did come with it look like they are meant for one with a different skimmer option. Does anyone else have one of these that can maybe tell me how their pump is conected to the skimmer? Or maybe some pics??
All help appreciated.
Thank You Josh


New Member
I just picked up my pr-clear aquatics wet/dry with protein skimmer.the directions suck.I finally had the thing running for a couple of hours until,the filter for the skimmer started making a knocking noise.At this point I was told that the skimmer is not neccessary so early in the I disconnected it.Now it seems to be working great.GOOD LUCK!!


Active Member
ok, the white Pipe that is kinda E shaped with a small black air connector in the middle, the longer end attatches to the pump, and you want the pipe standing straight up when you do this, then attach the airline to the middle black air valve looking thing that is attached to the white pipe. then just sit it in the filter and slide the skimmer tube over it. I hope its that way anyway. if not ask Dory, she also has one that was just a little different than mine. goodluck and let me know if i can be of further help. I had to call Pro-Clear and have them fax me the instructions myself. Todd


Here's my two cents on pro clears. If you've recently purchased one and it's taking a few tries to force the water back up into the return valve, you may have a bad magnet. I plugged mine in and it tried, but couldn't get the water up and back into my tank. After calling the store where I bought it from I found out there was a bulk of pumps with bad magnets. It's taken three days for it to get here so far, I expect it today. Just thought I'd let you guys know in case it happens to you too.


i had the same problem with my proclear 75. I had to call proclear and have them send me new instructions, they came out with about 3 months ago. email me, and i can send you the new instructions.


New Member
Hey, thanks for the help everyone. Blemmy, So the way I take it I have to plumb from the overflow input to the 1/2 inch acrylic tube on the skimmer? Jdragunas, my email is I may not be able to response back until tomorrow or so. I just got out of the hospital for meningitis on Saturday afternoon. Thank you everyone for all of the help.