Product Review: Marineland Acrylic Sump Model 2



Hey guys,
I recently bought a Marineland Acrylic Sump Model 2.
I'm wondering if anyone else has this system.
This is what it looks like:

So far I like the sump system.
It holds about 20 gallons half full. It has alot of potential and you have different options that you can do.
Removable and customable media trays (4) Comes with a sponge/bio/polishing pad
Holds 20 gallons half full
Quiet and works amazingly well
There is a chamber to put your protein skimmer in, however the chamber is tiny! it fits my coralife skimmer 65g. That's it. I wish they made the chamber bigger.
The way they set up the baffles, they are under the filter media chamber and the skimmer cannot return the water there, so there is no chance of the protein skimmer to pump the water and have it run through the baffles.
Anyone else have this system should comment on it!
I have my heater, my UV sterilizer, my 500gph powerhead in here also.