Product reviews....


Active Member
Hello fellow fish and invert keepers-
Has anyone used or heard anything about DT's Marine Phytoplankton? I have been using this stuff for about a month now and I like it but, I am wondering if there is better stuff out there. I have also been using HBH Balance blocks which seem to help me. Any feedback would be much appreciated.


Active Member
I prefer the DT's over the other stuff on the market. My corals seem brighter and full when compared to using other stuff.


Active Member
ive been using it in my 135 for about a year now. al my corals are doing great, and think that its one of the better live foods out there. i wouldnt trade it for anything!
good luck
p.s. i just dump it in the tank, if i tried to target feed with the amount of corals in there i would spend all day with a turkey baster!


Active Member
So you say that you can target feed the corals? With how much? How often? Should I try this?


Active Member
I feed DT's daily. I used to be able to get away with 3X week, but with my new lights I don't get as much algae growth for some reason on the glass ( which is always a free meal for the critters when you clean it ).
There are some people who kinda go overboard feeding all types of phto, rotifers, golden pearls, hatched brine and you name it. Never had any complaints with DT's so I have just stuck with it.


We used DT's for a while, then got a deal on TLF Marine Snow, so we switched to that. Can't tell the difference.


i use to use DT, Golden pearls all sizes but really didn't see a diff either. i have mass tube worms ect.. I have fair lighting halides.. none of my animals are true filter feeders beside the worms. but they are pretty easy and common. What I do do is make my own food add ZGP and alga paste to the mix. I liquifyand have chunks.This way everything gets feed at once. There was a test done and DT had more stuff under the microscope Than the rest. But the alga paste is the best bang for the $. My corals look good. But i feed heavy 3-4x daily. No alga problems