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sinner's girl

if you want it shorter may put a / after each item instead of on a new line.
Madarin / Atlantic Pygmy Angel/ White Tail Pygmy Angel / Black Cab basslet / 2 Frog Spawns/ 2 Brain Corals / 40 + mushroom /2 Encruting Gorgonian / 4 Candy Button coral / some other coral I don't even know the name / 5 emerald crabs (1 of them eat my Xenia) / 8 Pepermint shrimps (1 of them ate my purp mushroom) / 20 Reef Hermit / 100 + Blue Legs / 100 + Snails /4 + Bristle Stars / 1 Sand sniffing star
55 BroodStock Setup (tank divider)
DIY Twin Tube (2)/Skilter 400/Aqua 600 PH/1 Pair Red-Black clown/1 Mix Pair True Perula and False Percula/80 lbl live sand/30 lbl live rock
38 BroodStock setup
DIY Shop light/Skilter 400/MaxiJet 1200 PH/40 lbl live sand/10 lbl live rock
just a thought.