Project 72B


New Member
21 june08
72g bow front and stand w/ wet dry filter purchased .we also cut an access door on both sides of the stand.replaced wet/dry filter with 30g acrylic sump with protein skimmer .last week i purchased a sequence dart pump to run the closed loop circulation system.more pics to come soon .me and my buddy Grue will start bending pvc next week to make the manifold.we've been working on this project since late march i think.any constructive suggestions are welcome.



Active Member
That's going to be a massive amount of flow for a closed loop...
Since closed loops operate at 0' head pressure, you're talking 50x turnover... (tank tsunami). You can of course dial it back.
However, you may want to closely examine the current draw of the dart vs. a more appropriately sized pump, such as a Mag 12, Iwaki 70RLT, etc and figure out if it's worth it. Since the dart will certainly have to be dialed back some, the amount of flow you are trimming out amounts to wasted electricity, so it's possible that a smaller pump will save you enough electricity to make it worth it to trade.
Of course, sequence pumps, particularly the low speed pumps like this are some of the most energy efficient pumps out there, and dialing them back will not hurt them, so either way...


New Member
good morning scsinet , thats true and it's not true about the head pressure.the elbows and all the piping will subtract from the hed
stepping down from 1.25 in piping on the outlet to .50 of piping and using flow eductors to spread out my flow patterns there will be 6 nozzles inside the tank.yes the pump will be dialed back.i think that i'll be in the 5' to 8' range. i chose this pump because i read some decent stuff about them , i believe this setup will work.if not back to the drawing board.i will keep u posted. oh yeah not to sound like a bad guy but i dont have an electricity


Active Member
Okay well a few comments...
1. Yeah... the elbows and stuff will create some artifical head pressure, so you're right.
2. Although I am NOT in agreement with those who suggest using the Dart as a return pump, I am 100% in agreement with you on your feelings about the pump and sequence in general. I use sequence pumps myself... they rock. And for closed loop, the Dart is the thing.
3. However it is you worked out to not have an electricity bill..... in a word... lucky. Not sure if you live with your parents or whatever... but savor the flavor. My tanks suck down so much power every month I'm getting depressed just typing about it.


New Member
2." Although I am NOT in agreement with those who suggest using the Dart as a return pump" -why not????
3.LOL. i live in base housing im in the military and i don't have an electricity bill.
for now i guess, but i will be looking into a power efficient setup.
what type of lighting/bulbs(if mh) do you use , and what kind of coral/fish do u have?