Propagation tank



Im tired of going to the LFS and having them not sale the bright colored corals because they want to keep them for their own tanks. Plus its hard to find bright zoos online. I am thinking of starting a propagation tank so I can frag my stuff and create new frags to sell and put into my tank. Is a 29 gallon a decent size for a prop. tank? I was thinking a 29g. with a 175MH would work but i need some help from others that do this. Is there any little secrets that help the corals grow faster? do you use Kent supplements and stuff??
I only plan on doing softies like zoos, colts, xenia, shrooms, and leathers. (maybe not all at the same time) Any and all help is appreciated as I want to do this the correct and best way.


Active Member
I think that the 40g breeder tanks make the best prop tanks. Shallow, but with lots of space. Since your doing mostly softies, you could probably step up to the 40g with the same light.


Active Member

Originally posted by sandman12
or a 30g long.

A 30 gallon long would be better then a 29 gallon because you'd have more space for coral and the coral would get more light because its shallow.


cool so then a 175 would be okay. does it matter if I use a 10k or 12k bulb to prop. with? didnt know if one made them grow faster or not?
Also do I need to supplement any kind of minerals to help them grow faster?