Proper acclimation for Shrimp


I have spent the last few hours on the phone calling different companies asking them how to acclimate a shrimp. My earlier post about how my shrimp died and the lfs owner said it was because my water was poor, she tested it and it was perfect. So she said I acclimated wrong. I acclimated according to the instructions on this site.
I got several different answers... Her answer was only 30 minutes, another guy said float for 10 minutes then pick it up by hand and put it in.
I did the whole acclimation of 2 1/2 hours and she claims he got cold and died.
So... I am about to buy some more shrimp, I think from here... I am feeling a little chicken since I practically threw 40 bucks in the trash.
What is the right way to acclimate shrimp.

al mc

Active Member
I have done it two different ways.
1. Like fish: Float the bag containing the shrimp in Qt water for 30 minutes, then open bags and add 1/4 cup of QT water into the bag every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then I pick the shrimp up by hand and put them into the tank.
2. Drip: Bag in QT again for 30 minutes. Then drip acclimate for 1 hour keeping the
water at tank temp with a small heater in the water or an electric heating pad set on low under the container that is having the drip flow into it.
Notice I suggested QT not DT. If possible, I like to QT everything for three weeks minimally before putting into my DT to try to keep new arrivals from bringing in unwanted infectious diseases. If you do not have a QT then
try very hard not to put any of the shipping water into your Dt.
Only animal(s) I have ever acclimated for the 2(+) hours are sea stars.


I use method 1 for everthing. I dont drip, its quite hard to keep the temperature stable with such a small volume of water, and since my room temp is 66-68, the water cools rather quickly.